《中山人文學報》專門刊載中西人文科學之原創性學術研究論文,為國立中山大學文學院發行的同行匿名評審學術期刊,創刊於一九九三年四月,自一九九八年二月起每年刊行兩期(一月與七月)。本刊收錄於科技部人文社會科學研究中心之臺灣人文學引文索引期刊(THCI)資料庫,列入MLA International Bibliography與Scopus,歡迎國內外學者來稿,茲列以下要點提供投稿人參考:
十、其他聯絡資訊:臺灣高雄市鼓山區80424 蓮海路70號國立中山大學文學院《中山人文學報》編輯委員會/電話886-07-5252000 ext.3006; 3241/傳真:886-07-5253009。
Founded in April 1993 by the College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, the Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities (hereafter SYSJH) is now published twice a year, in January and July. The English-Chinese bilingual refereed journal solicits scholarly papers concerning various topics in the study of human sciences. Below are some guidelines for contributors:
1. SYSJH solicits scholarly papers on literature, history, philosophy, linguistics, art, musicology and other humanities subjects. We invite submission of appropriate manuscripts from researchers affiliated with academic institutions. Manuscripts submitted will be expected to contain original work and should not have been published elsewhere. Chapters from master’s theses or doctoral dissertations will be deemed as “published.”
2. Manuscripts of critical and research articles in English should not exceed 10,000 words; book reviews should not exceed 3,000 words.
3. Articles submitted for publication should conform to our house style. We basically adopt the documentation style recommended by SYSJH Style Guide.
4. Articles submitted will be sent to at least two consultant readers for blind review. Thus the contributor’s name or any possible reference for identifying the author should not appear in the article sent.
5. Contributors will not be paid, but will receive two complimentary copies of the issue in which their articles appear.
6. Contributors are responsible for securing permission to reproduce illustrations and extracts used in SYSJH. Authors are also responsible for any reproduction costs or permission fees incurred.
7. Submissions for SYSJH should be sent, as attached file, to the following address: sysjoh@mail.nsysu.edu.tw
8. Editorial correspondence should be sent to the Editorial Board, Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities, College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University, 70 Lien-hai Road, Kaohsiung 804, TAIWAN.