no.41. 2016
單德興,蘇其康,賴俊雄,YAN Zi-Ling,SHOW Ying Xin,黎韻孜,「身體、心理與疾病書寫」專題徵稿、國立中山大學人文研究中心出版品一覽,Writing the South Seas: Imagining the Nanyang in Chinese and Southeast Asian Postcolonial Literature by Brian Bernards,Mapping the South Seas: The Communist Fiction of Ng Kim Chew,“The Millstone of His Own Likeness”: Photography as Disclosure, Concealment,and Correspondence in Detective Fiction,愛或不愛?:論自我犧牲與女性主體、重探「紅毛」的位移:西拉雅語發微、在冷戰的年代:英華煥發的譯者余光中#余光中#翻譯#冷戰#美國新聞處#《中國新詩集錦》#《美國詩選》#《滿田的鐵絲網》#《錄事巴托比》#紅毛#荷蘭#西拉雅語#紅毛字#東印度公司#佛洛伊德#愛#女人#自我犧牲#主體#攝影#偵探小說#身分#馬共小說#黃錦樹#馬華文學#冷戰#南洋#馬來亞共產黨、Yu Kwang-chung, Translation, Cold War, United States Information Service, New Chinese Poetry, Anthology of American Poetry, Acres of Barbed Wire, Bartleby the Scrivener, Red-haired, Holland, Sirayan language, Red-haired writings, East- Indies Company(VOC), self-sacrifice, Freud, love, women, subject, photography, detective fiction, identity, communist fiction, Ng Kim Chew, Sinophone Malaysian literature, Cold War, Nanyang(South Seas), Malayan Communist Party (MCP)