

no.49. 2020

Hashtag: #共性政治、人與自然的關係/「綠色思想」、多元文化主義、K.S. 馬粘、 蔡月英、黎紫書、海凡、 politics of commonality, human-nature relationality/“green” thought, polyculturalism, K.S. Maniam, Chuah Guat Eng, Li Zishu, Hai Fan, 五一三事件、馬來西亞英文文學、罪愆、 May 13th Incident, Malaysian English writings, guilt, 五一三事件、馬來人、華人、阿都拉胡先、丁雲、吕育陶、韓娜阿卡芙, May 13 Tragedy, Malay, Malaysian Chinese, Abdullah Hussain, Ding Yun, Looi Yook Tho, Hanna Alkaf, May 13 Incident, The University of Malaya, memoir writings, university atmosphere, academic system, 五一三、馬來亞大學、回憶錄、校園氛圍、學術體制, Garden writing, diaspora, anti-diaspora, Sanyu, 園林書寫、離散、反離散、常玉, timeliness, yielding, reverting and taking back, paradox, Heidegger, 時間性、任讓、逆轉收回、弔詭、海德格, SIM Wai Chew, “Do Cultures Leak into Each Other?”: Polycultural Considerations in Selected Malaysian Anglophone and Sinophone Texts, Malachi Edwin VETHAAMANI, The Malaysian Albatross of May 13, 1969 Racial Riots, Florence KUEK, Post-trauma: A Comparison of the Malay and Chinese Psyches in Response to the May 13 Tragedy in Their Literary Works from 1969 to 2019, 張惠思, 重訪五一三時的斑苔谷:中英文系師生 回憶錄中的校園氛圍與學術體制驟變, 朱衣仙, 盆栽、雜碎、枯山水: 劉大任作品中「離散/反離散」交映的風景, 宋灝, 以「逆轉收回」論海德格「時間性」與「任 讓情境」思維, 單德興, 臺大歲月:李有成訪談錄(三)